Instructional Resources
ECA Information
End of Course Assessments (ECAs)
The ECAs are the high school version of ISTEP testing called ISTEP+ ECA. The Indiana Department of Educations defines ECAs in this way, "The purpose of the Indiana Statewide Testing for Educational Progress Plus (ISTEP+) program is to measure student achievement in the subject areas of English/Language Arts, Science, and Mathematics. In particular, ISTEP+ reports student achievement levels according to the Indiana Academic Standards that were adopted in November 2000 by the Indiana State Board of Education. The ISTEP+ End-of-Course Assessments (ECAs) are criterion-referenced assessments developed specifically for students completing their instruction in Algebra I, Biology I, or English 10." In other words, the ECAs are standards-based tests that each student is required to pass in order to graduate from high school and earn their diploma.
At Oakland High School, we take End of Course Assessments very seriously because it is one of the determining factors for graduation. Even though a student may pass all of their classes at OHS, without passing the ECAs, they cannot earn their diploma. Because we strive to have a 100% graduation rate at Oakland High School, and we believe that every student is capable of graduating, we have developed a standards-based curriculum that will constantly measure growth on each of the academic standards on the ECAs. In addition, we offer students additional help and tutoring as needed in individualized settings to ensure that every student can pass the ECAs and earn their diploma. Below, you will find ECA updates, resources, and other helpful information from the Indiana Department of Education AND your OHS teachers to prepare for the ECAs.
What YOU can do to prepare for the ECAs
- Learn the state standards and common core standards to the best of your ability
- Ask questions in class
- Seek help and clarification
- Tell the teacher when you still don’t understand
- Practice skills and applications by completing the practice ECA samplers, checking your practice sampler for accuracy, and asking about questions you didn’t understand
- Go above and beyond as needed: if you complete an assignment but feel unsure of your understanding, do more problems as needed to master content
- Show an interest in your student’s academic progress
- Convey the value of education to your family
- Discuss schoolwork at home on a regular basis
- Contact the school or a particular teacher with concerns
- Support your student’s academic progress by providing a quiet study environment for homework, offering help if needed or finding needed help, locating resources needed, praising your student’s efforts, celebrating your student successes, and helping your student devise a plan to overcome obstacles
- Prepare your student for success: make sure your student gets enough sleep, eats a good breakfast, and has all of his/her essential needs met
Oakland High School Staff:
The OHS Staff is committed to providing individual tutoring as needed, reinforcing understanding and retention through sprial learning activities and best practices for teaching, making connections between school and the real world through authentic, practical application of skills and content, teaching test-taking strategies and tips, and providing many opportunities for assessment nd feedback on tasks on an individual and group basis in order for students to demonstrate growth and understanding.
Resources and More
Algebra I Blueprint
Algebra I Sample Items
Biology Blueprint
Biology Sample Items
English 10 Blueprint
English 10 Sample Items
Because passing the End of Course Assessments in high school is required in order to earn a diploma, preparation for those exams is also a critical part of college preparation. Please see more information about College Preparation by clicking the link in the left-hand side navigation bar.
College Preparation
Oakland High School is proud to be a college preparatory school!
Our students leave OHS prepared for college and any other direction they may choose!
Because passing the End of Course Assessments in high school is required in order to earn a diploma, preparation for those exams is also a critical part of college preparation. Please see more information about End of Course Assessments by clicking the link in the left-hand side navigation bar: "ECA Information".
College Preparatory Resources
Young people in all socio-economic groups have college aspirations. In fact, eight out of 10 expect to attain a bachelor’s degree or higher, according to the U.S. Department of Education. But despite their aspirations, low-income students and those who are the first in their families to pursue higher education are severely underrepresented on college campuses. Studies show these students often lack the guidance they need to prepare for postsecondary education.
In order to turn these students' college dreams into action-oriented goals, the American Council on Education, Lumina Foundation for Education and the Ad Council launched the KnowHow2GO campaign in January 2007. This multiyear, multimedia effort includes television, radio and outdoor public service advertisements (PSAs) that encourage 8th through 10th graders to prepare for college using four simple steps.
Be a pain – Let everyone know that you’re going to college and need their help.
Push yourself – Working a little harder today will make getting into college even easier.
Find the right fit – Find out what kind of school is the best match for you and your career goals.
Put your hands on some cash - If you think you can't afford college, think again. There's lots of aid out there.
To ensure that students and adult mentors who connect with the powerful messages of the PSA campaign can easily find real-time, on-the-ground assistance, we have built and continue to support a strong grassroots network of partners. To date, more than 14 state and regional coalitions and 30 national partners have signed onto the campaign.
The Twenty-first Century Scholars Program began in 1990 as Indiana's way of raising the educational aspirations of low- and moderate-income families. The program aims to ensure that all Indiana families can afford a college education for their children.
Income-eligible 6th, 7th and 8th graders who enroll in the program and fulfill a pledge of good citizenship to the state are guaranteed the cost of four years of undergraduate college tuition at any participating public college or university in Indiana. If the student attends a private institution, the state will award an amount comparable to that of a public institution. If the student attends a participating proprietary school, the state will award a tuition scholarship equal to that of Ivy Tech Community College.
In 1995, the first group of Scholars headed to college - with the continued support of the Governor and the Indiana General Assembly.
The Goals
- help more students continue their educations,
- reduce the high school dropout rate,
- prepare students for the workforce,
- decrease the use of drugs and alcohol among middle and high school students, and
- improve individual economic productivity and the quality of life for all Indiana residents.
FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)
More Information about FAFSA
Federal Student Aid, an office of the U.S. Department of Education, ensures that all eligible individuals can benefit from federally funded financial assistance for education beyond high school. We consistently champion the promise of postsecondary education to all Americans —and its value to our society.
Federal Student Aid plays a central and essential role in supporting postsecondary education by providing money for college to eligible students and families. We partner with postsecondary schools, financial institutions and others to deliver services that help students and families who are paying for college.
Today, Federal Student Aid performs a range of critical functions that include, among others:
- Educating students and families on the process of obtaining aid;
- Processing millions of student financial aid applications each year;
- Disbursing billions of dollars in aid funds to students through schools;
- Enforcing financial aid rules and regulations;
- Servicing millions of student loan accounts, and securing repayment from borrowers who have defaulted on their loans; and
- Operating information technology systems and tools that manage billions in student aid dollars.
This is a complex, multifaceted mission that calls on a range of staff skills and demands coordination by all levels of management. Consequently, Federal Student Aid, a Performance-Based Organization (PBO), emphasizes tangible results and efficient performance, as well as the continuous improvement of the processes and systems that support our mission.
- A Federal Pell Grant, unlike a loan, does not have to be repaid.
- The maximum Pell grant for the 2010-11 award year (July 1, 2010, to June 30, 2011) is $5,550.
- The amount depends on your financial need, costs to attend school, status as a full-time or part-time student, and plans to attend school for a full academic year or less.
- To apply, complete the FAFSA. (See above)
America's Debt Help Organization: Student Financial Aid
This source offers information for students and families about FAFSA, financial aid, how to get financial assistance for college when you have bad credit, interest rates for student loans, and more!
Click here for a Financial Aid Board Game!
Indiana Colleges!
University Website
Undergraduate Admissions
Campus Life
University Website
University Website
About IU
*In addition to their Bloomington campus, IU also has satellite campuses in Richmond, Kokomo, Gary, South Bend, and New Albany.
University Website
*In addition to their Indianapolis campus, there is also a branch of IU/PU in
Fort Wayne and Columbus.
College Website
About Ivy Tech
University Website
About Purdue
*In addition to their West Lafayette campus, there are also satellite campuses of Purdue in Hammond (PU Calumet), Westville (PU North Central), and South Bend (PU South Bend).
University Website
About St. E. School of Nursing
University Website
About University of Evansville
University Website
About USI
University Website
Majors & Academics
More Post-Secondary Learning Institutions Coming Soon!
Informational Resources
This web page is designed to support students and families with information regarding Oakland Academy and the Lafayette Community.
Please feel free to contact the school with suggestions or ideas that support communication between school and home!
City Bus of Lafayette Indiana
Enrollment Requests
Enrollment in Oakland Academy
Any Lafayette School Corporation (LSC) student may be considered for enrollment at Oakland Academy. Enrollment at Oakland is based on a specific set of criteria that matches the unique curriculum of the school. Oakland Academy prioritizes enrollment for 10-12th grade students. The enrollment process is as follows:
- Interested parties may pick up an Oakland Academy Enrollment Request Form from the Jefferson High School Guidance Department between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM. Enrollment Request Forms are also available on the Oakland website.
- *If an interested party is new to Lafayette School Corporation and is interested in Oakland Academy, they must first register with LSC at the Jefferson High School campus. They may then follow this procedure to be considered for enrollment at Oakland.
- When the student picks up the Enrollment Request Form, they can either meet immediately with their JHS Counselor or set up a future time to consult with their JHS Counselor. The JHS Counselor will help with completing the "Academic Information" on the first page of the Enrollment Request Form and will begin the discussion of enrollment at Oakland.
- The student should complete the Enrollment Request Form which includes a "Student Information" section, a "Contact Information" section, and a written "Personal Narrative". Once completed, the student should submit the Enrollment Request Form to the Jefferson High School Guidance Department. The Enrollment Request Form must be completed in its entirety for consideration. Completed forms will be dated and time stamped upon receipt as candidates are considered on a first come first serve basis. These forms will then be shared with the Oakland Academy principal and guidance counselor.
- When Oakland Academy receives the Enrollment Request Form, the principal will make contact with the student and their parent(s) and/or guardian(s) to set up an informational meeting. In this informational meeting, the principal will discuss opportunities and expectations within Oakland with the interest student and family.
- Students interested in moving forward will be contacted and a separate, academic planning meeting will be scheduled with the guidance counselor at Oakland. The incoming student and the parent(s)/and/or guardian(s) must be present at this academic planning meetings in order to complete the enrollment process before starting their first day at Oakland.
In an effort to maintain a desirable student to teacher ratio, enrollment is limited. In summary, all new student Enrollment Request Forms will be reviewed and interviews will be conducted to determine if Oakland Academy’s academic programming can accommodate the individual student’s needs. Students will then be enrolled at Oakland on a first come first served basis, with a priority of students in grades 10-12. Students may be placed on a waiting list and notified of the first available opening.
Oakland Academy serves as an extension of Jefferson High School.
All academic progress, attendance, etc. become part of student’s Jefferson High School record.Successful students take advantage of Oakland’s competency-based practices and our individualized approach to learning and utilize Jeff electives to go on to graduate with a Jefferson High School diploma.